Sunday, June 03, 2007

Canadian Forces Tribute 2007

I thought this was a really well made video and since I've got friends who are or were serving in Afghanistan I thought I'd post it. Let the debate about the politics go on, that's why you're doing this, so that people in Afghanistan can have the same kinds of free debates. Let the debate go on but never stop thinking about our men and women who are under fire. Whether you believe in the war or not these are the people that are risking their own lives for the goal of providing the people of another land, one that have probably never known themselves, a better life. I hope that they all make it home safely and that they achieve the goals that they went there to do. Peace.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A More Somber Post

Seven weeks ago on March 12, BBC Gaza correspondant Alan Johnston was taken at gunpoint from his car while he was heading home from work. Alan is the only foreign correspondant in the Gaza Strip and has come to be known as one of the locals and has shown the human side of the conflict from the Palestinian point of view which is what makes this act even more despicable.

Please click on my "Free Alan Johnston" button on my side bar and help us keep the international pressure on these dickheads that kidnapped him. At the time of this writing 61,000 people (myself included) have signed a petition to have him released. His only crime was apparently being a non-Muslim in the Gaza Strip and people of all races and religions have signed this petition to have him released by the moronic fuck-tards that grabbed him.

The US, EU, PA and UN have all made pleas for his release so join them and me now and call for his release and try to take a moment every Monday and think of Alan and his family and the hell that he is going through. Whatever your politics or religious beliefs are, this is a horrible act and the people responsible need to know that the world will not stand for it.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Wales (or Cymruffllmmllllqqqwwwjjjfjjjpppffffr... if you speak Welsh that is.)

Wales! Land of leaks, daffodills, and castles... lovely country that I'm going to return to. Not just because the Major lives there; but because it is a lovely place. It's a bit like Scotland but without the vowels. Oh yeah, Welsh (the language) is completely incomprehensible. It's like speaking Norwegian under water... Still it makes for a lovely character and it translates beautifully into song. The Welsh are awesome singers. So here is my trip around Wales...

Sir Chopper of Caerphilly. That's not how it's spelt but I don't have enough "Q" and "R" buttons to really flesh it out.

Air Marshall Chopper rocking the ballista. How cool is that? Sadly they wouldn't give us any arrows to fire at the annoying American/Canadian tourists. FYI - We are a VERY annoying people...

The Major trying to read a sign. I told you it was a weird language... or maybe he is just a weird bloke...

I'm A Dick

So I have been a bit of a dick about updating this bad boy. Basically I've been heart broken and burying myself in work so not a lot has happened in the Chopper-verse. Fortunately, I've had a few decent weekends during this time and decided I'd share them with ya'll. So without further ado...

Here's me wasted and hanging out with a leopard. Thanks to Mr. Williams for this one.

This is a beautiful garden in Brighton... Gay capital of Britain. (Though don't announce that to too many people. I've found they don't like that. It's only funny to straight people...) Nevertheless, lovely, intelligent, (mostly) well dressed people in this town. And reasonably priced drinks to. Sadly the shitty Brighton pier roller coaster is stupidly expensive.

This is cool. This is Brighton Pavillion. There is something famous and historic about this but Jess and I decided to go for tapas and wine rather than find out what it was. I'm sure it was interesting though...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tanning My Neck Red

He he he... guns are cool! And remember kids; guns don't kill people, drunken morons with guns kill people.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Fort St. John - Mark O' The North

Alrighty, well I'm back from the Great White North and I'm chilling out in rainy Vancouver again. It was absolutely amazing to visit Iain up north and see the "True North Strong And Free" as they say, so here are a few snippet pictures of my trip. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

This is Vancouver from the air. I took this as we took off on the smallest little plane I've ever been on and wouldn't you know, we hit turbulance. To those of you who've never been in a turbulent flight on a small plane, let me just say that it is about the best laxative on Earth. And lucky me, I got to be in the emergency exit seat. YAY!!!

Here is the Peace River from the view point. This is truly God's country if you ask me. Or, you know, if I believed in God.

Iain and Tanya in this cool little pub slash museum in Rolla near the Alberta border.

Here is a picture from the pub of a dude riding a moose. I thought it was really cool since the only moose we saw (and we did see a few) didn't seem to really like people. Certainly never let someone ride them.

Here are some of the deer that hang out in Iain's front yard in Taylor. Nature is not so scared of people up here which is kinda ironic when you consider how many guys up here like hunting.

Here is the closest I came to hunting. I LOVE ICE FISHING NOW!!! Just look at the catch we got in TWO HOURS OF FISHING!!!!!! Also, we managed to drink 16 beers between us in the same amount of time. This is like 3 kilo's of fresh trout. They were very good with garlic bread.

Okay, here is my sign-off pic. This here is Mark O' The North ice fishing away.

Well there you have it. That's my trip in a few pics. There are many more but I will have to post them another day. I've still got a heap of stuff to do here in Vancouver (not the least of which is laundry. When you wear everything that you own all at once to combat the cold you tend to use your clean stuff pretty quick.) Lot's of love to all and I miss you all (some more than others of course, and you know who you are.)


Monday, November 06, 2006

Weekend Maneuvers With The Chopper Army

Well dear readership once more the Chopper army went out on maneuvers for a weekend while Major Facial popped into town for a little R&R. I'd say there was lots to say about the weekend but sadly all intel is vaguer than our justification for invading Iraq. Still, the minute amount of photographic evidence I managed to retain should shed some light on the events of the weekend. Enjoy.

The Maj. isn't a big fan of kisses while he's trying to snort beer (where's the love man???). We tried to get the IV in but trying to find a vein to pump beer into isn't the easist trick in the book.

The Colonel as alter ego Charlie Evil!!! (On a sadder note, I lost that jacket at the club cause the coat check guys are cocks.)

The proud group photo on the Chopper army. Left to Right: Garith "Major Facial" Roberts, Barry (Charlie) "The Colonel" Emerson, and yours truly, Mark "Air Marshal Chopper 2.0" Reid.

Another weekend of drunken anti-social behaviour. C'est la vie.

That's it for today but I can assure you there are more fun postings to come. Peace out to my peeps.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Disturbing Trends From The World Of Hip-Hop

So I was on Yahoo the other day and I saw that Weird Al Yankovic had released a new single. I’ve been a fan since I was a kid so I decided I’d head over to his MySpace and check out the video for “White and Nerdy” (very funny BTW, I’d highly encourage anyone to check it out). While there I thought I’d have a read of some of the comments that people had posted about the single. By and large, people thought it was quite funny but a few comments disturbed me.

A few people (I’m assuming they were fans of the original version of the song, a song that I’m afraid I’m not familiar with) had posted some very negative comments. “Weird Al should be shot for %$&£ing with peoples songs like that.” And the like were posted several times and it forced me to speak up in protest against the hip-hop community on several issues that have bee pissing me off for a while now.

Firstly, learn to spell. At the very least, learn to spell your own names. The original song that Weird Al copied was by the humorously monickered Chamillionaire. I don’t even know where to start with that one. I can only assume that with a name like that he, like Weird Al, is taking the piss out of hip-hop music. I mean, seriously, how can you expect to gain any respect for your body of work if your going to call yourself that? Be that as it may, Ludacris, Xhibit, Puff Daddy, P.Diddy, Poodle Doody, (whatever your name is this week) et al. Go and learn to spell the words that you plan to use as your alter ego’s because you just sound silly this way.

Secondly; why not try to set a positive example for your fans. You’ve reached a level where you can make some real changes to your younger, more impressionable fans. Try rapping about something other than drinking $200 dollar a bottle Kristal (which I’ve had, by the way, and I thought it had a nasty perfume-like aftertaste. I’ve had better £6 a bottle Spanish Cava.), treating your girlfriends like “bitches and hoe’s” (the fact that women seem to find these guys attractive speaks volumes about the state of the modern women’s lib movement) and making money.

Take Fifty-cent for instance. First off, surely you could value yourself slightly more than that. Have you thought about calling yourself “Buck Fifty”? At least Buck is a real first name. Secondly, the message he seems to send to kids is, “If you want to be a famous rap star the best way to do it is to sell crack and get shot in the face.” Well sorry kids, selling crack tends to end you up in jail not a recording studio and most people who get shot in the face tend to get a little more hurt than just getting “Fiddy’s” trademark lisp. “Fiddy” think about this when you’re writing your next album please.

Lastly, (and I want to make this very clear) “Bling” isn’t cool, it’s fucking tacky. You know how you look back at old photo’s of yourself and go, “What was I thinking wearing that?!?” Well we have a whole generation of guys who are going to be saying that in a few years. Let me stress this point; Man jewellery should always be limited to watches, wedding rings and Medic-Alert bracelets. Period!

So to those of you who wrote postings to Weird Al that were along the lines I mentioned earlier in this diatribe, let me just say knock it off. You’re not tough or “gangsta” you’re just sounding retarded. When Weird Al is deciding what songs to homage he asks the artists themselves (not their record companies, agents, etc.) whether they would mind if he used their songs and, in most cases, they consent and even help him make his parodies. But I suppose that is the whole purpose of the internet, it provides morons bitch about the things that bug them (ironically like I’m doing here.)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Chopper hits Notting Hill

Okay so this is a bad representtion of Chopper (as if there is a good one) needless to say we had been drinking since about 6:00 am and this was taken at some point in the late afternoon. You gotta love the wee Jamaican kid laughing at me while his wise mother steers him away from the drunken tramp.

I think that really sums up Carnival for the most part. The day Chopper was truly born.

More (less embarrassing) pics coming very soon.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cricket, Wine and Speed Walking Muslims

Hey everybody, so sorry it has taken so long to get back to everyone. What a weird time it has been. My friend Kent has just been to visit us and has hopefully left with pleasant, if vague, memories of his trip. I'm working on a proper posting for my site but I thought I ought to get up something soon before everyone decided to stop visiting. So here is the tallest turk and the aftermath of the camera phone stand-off.

So here is Jessica, one of the hotties that Kent and I picked up along the way (glasses?!? Meow!!!)

Camera phone's at twenty paces. I won, thank you very much!

Kent the world's tallest Turk!

Anyhoo, more pics and stories coming soon. Later, Mark.
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